Thursday, December 2, 2010

Literary Feature Hunt: Allusion

In The Godfather, allusion is used when Vito Corleone gets shot 5 times. The Don could have easily been killed by 1-3 shots, but instead he gets shot 5 times. When watching The Godfather one might think that The Don getting shot is the more important part of the scene, however, it actually isn’t. The 5 shots are more important because he gets shot in the same place that Jesus got shot (left & right hands, left & right feet and his side.) This illuminates the idea that The Don is a mock Jesus. To further validate this idea, Vito lives after getting shot 5 times and when Vito gets better, people come to see him which is similar with Jesus and that people came to see him.


  1. I tend to disagree with what you said about the comparison between how many times Don Corleone got shot and how many times Jesus got hurt (not shot). I think this is more like the literary feature allusion. How is this foreshadow? What is the director about to tell us at this point in the movie that will become more important later on in the movie in (an almost) different situation?

    What does this statement have to do with foreshadow? -- So what?

  2. I tend to agree with melisa's statement "What does this statement have to do with foreshadow? -- So what?" (Melisa) because foreshadowing is when the author leaves hints for the reader and to find foreshadowing you usually have to re-read or re-watch the movie or story to see foreshadowing.

  3. I agree with Melisa as well, this is definitely not foreshadowing. I am confused by this blog entry; I thought Don Corleone was shot five times in the back, not in his hands and feet. As well, it would be wise to add a period to the end of your entry.

  4. Neil, I do not think that Sunny was suggesting that Corleone got shot in the same areas as Jesus Christ, but I think he was analyzing the number of shots vs the number of wounds Don Corleone and Jesus received.

    As we discussed in class; Don Corleone was treated like a God-like figure. In the beginning of the film, I noticed that when Bonasera asked to be Corleone's friend, Don Corleone reached out his hand, and Bonasera kissed it. Also when Luca Brasi was thanking him (Corleone) for being invited to his daughter's wedding.
    In Christianity Jesus was a God-like figure (the Son of God).

    I think that Sunny had the intention of saying that Don Corleone is being portrayed like Jesus.

  5. I am sorry for all the people who had commented on this as Foreshadow that was my mistake it was supposed to be allusion and i don't know why i had written it as foreshadow.
